Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Zoom-a-thon is NOT Over!

The Zoom-a-thon run itself may be over, but the work is not yet done.  It's time for everyone to contact all their pledgers to collect their pledge money.  You have until October 14th to get all your pledge money back to OMIS.  Prize levels 4-10, as well as the overall top pledge 4th / 5th grade and overall top ledge classroom prizes will be awarded based on pledges collected by October 14th.  These prizes will be awarded October 15th and after.

In the 4th grade, Mrs. Smith's class is in the lead, but Mrs. Pate's class is less than $100 behind her in pledeged money.  Which class wins the overall top 4th grade class is a real toss up.  If Mrs. Pate's class does a better job at collecting their pledges, they have a shot at winning that top prize - 30 minutes of recess, a pizza party, and a $75 gift card for the teacher to the Parent / Teacher Store or Office Depot.

Good luck, OMIS.  Let's bring in ALL our pledges.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Coming Soon - It's Zoom-a-thon Idol!

Find out who will be crowned our Zoom-a-thon mascot in the next exciting episode of Zoom-a-thon Idol.  Coming soon to an OMIS projector screen near you!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

OMIS Needs Your Support

With only one more pledge collection/recording day left before the big day, we're finding that we have only roughly 57% participation in the Zoom-a-thon among OMIS students and families.  We need for everyone to help pull their share of this fundraiser in order for us to avoid having to do another fundraiser later in the year.

OMIS PTO provides the funds for all the Zoom-a-thon t-shirts and the water to drink on race day, among other expenses, without passing that charge along to individual students.  Shirts cost roughly $5 per shirt.  Would your family consider at least contributing enough to cover the cost of your student's shirt?

Thanks to everyone who's been working so hard to make Zoom-a-thon a success.  We look forward to seeing you on race day!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Z! True Hollywood Story Video

In this edition of True Hollywood Story, we focus on Z, the mysterious mascot of the OMIS Zoom-a-thon fundraiser. Is Z just a lovable scamp or does that rainbow wig hid something more sinister? Tune in to find out more.

If you are having trouble viewing the embedded video above, please CLICK HERE.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Video - Z! True Hollywood Story - Coming Soon!

Our next new video, Z! True Hollywood Story is coming soon.  Find out if our lovable, mysterious mascot has anything to hide, as we interview those closest to the reclusive Zoom-a-thon mascot.

An Extended Interview with Z

Did you enjoy Morning Cup 'o Meatballs' "An Interview with Z"? Well, here's your chance to see all the footage that didn't make it into the short version we played at the school. Here it is in all it's glory.

If you're unable to view the embedded video above, just CLICK HERE!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Morning Cup 'o Meatballs - An Interview with Z video

Find out more about effort and about our mysterious mascot, Z, as Rachel Ivey, host of Morning Cup 'o Meatballs conducts her interview.

Character trait: EFFORT - the use of physical or mental energy to do something.

If you're having trouble with the embedded video above, you can watch the video by CLICKING HERE.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Morning Cup 'o Meatballs Show

Our interviewer.
Our interviewee.
If you're anything like me, I'm sure you have many, many burning questions for our Zoom-a-thon mascot, Z.  So, Rachel Ivey, host of "Morning Cup 'o Meatballs" sat down with Z for an interview.  A short form of our interview will air at OMIS tomorrow (Wednesday), while a much longer form will appear here on our website in the afternoon.

Fundraising Update 9/20/10

Our Zoom-a-thon fundraiser is off to a good start, but not as good a start as we really need.  As of Monday,  September 20th, we've received pledges totalling just over $10,000.  Our goal for this fundraiser is $63,000, which is a totally do-able goal, but we need everyone's help to make that happen.  So many people have worked so very hard on Zoom-a-thon.

Dr. Maxwell has sweetened the fundraising pot a bit by promising to allow a Halloween fall festival party to each classroom that averages $85 in donations per student in that classroom.  This is in addition to whatever prizes are earned by the students and the classroom itself.  Students will also be allowed to wear a costume. (Certain costume and snack restrictions apply.  Talk to your teacher for more details.)

Give us a hand.  Give us your pocket change.  Every little bit helps.

"Healthy Eating with Granny Smith" Video

Whether you're training for the Zoom-a-thon or just wanting to stay healthy, it's important to eat the right foods.  Rachel Ivey went to the OMIS cafeteria to speak with Granny Smith about what is okay to eat and what is not okay to eat.

Character Trait:  Focus- to direct one's energy or attention.
This video focuses on healthy eating and proper nutrition.

If you have trouble with the embedded video above, please access the video directly by CLICKING HERE.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Zoom-Wow! Short and Long Form Video

Here's the shorter version of the Zoom-Wow! video seen at OMIS today.  Find out all about what prizes there are just waiting to be earned through the Zoom-a-thon!

Character trait:  Confidence - full trust, believing in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or a thing.
We have confidence that our students can get a lot of pledges as part of the Zoom-a-thon.

You can access the video directly by CLICKING HERE.

You can access the long form of the video directly by CLICKING HERE.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Make Good Choices Offers Additional Prizes to Top Earners!

Our friends, Make Good Choices, in addition to their help with ordering Zoom-a-thon prizes and t-shirts has decided to provide some additional support to the Zoom-a-thon fundraiser in the form of a bonus prize pack for the boy and girl who bring in the most pledges and for the teacher of the top pledge earning classroom overall.

This bonus prize pack is a Make Good Choices sports bag filled with goodies, including a t-shirt, boxer shorts, stickers, mousepad, and other items vallued at over $50.00.

If you get a chance, be sure to click on over to the Make Good Choices website and take a look at their fine products.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Zoom-a-thon Fundraising Update

Our first day of pledge collection is off to a rousing start.  Less than 24 hours after the Zoom-a-thon Kick-off Pep Rally, our students have already brought in over $3,100 in pledges.

Did you know that if each student can find just 10 people to pledge a flat $10 donation, OMIS can easily make our fundraising goal?  Sounds easy enough to me.

Let's work hard and make this thing happen.

Friday, September 17, 2010

iCarlee Video

The crew from iCarlee packed up their stuff and travelled from Seattle to Birmingham, so they could find out more about the Zoom-a-thon and its mysterious mascot, Z, after receiving a viewer video from Cara. Hijinx ensue as Carlee, Samm, and Freddie film their show around OMIS, trying to score an interview with Z and get the latest scoop on the Zoom-a-thon from Mrs. Miller.

Character trait: Responsibility - being accountable for one's actions.
This video is responsible for explaining what it takes to train for and run 5Ks, as well as what benefits come from running and exercise.

If you have trouble viewing the embedded video above, you can access it directly by CLICKING HERE.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pep Rally "Spirit Stick" Video

Here's the original video we played at today's Zoom-a-thon Kick-Off Pep Rally! An updated version, featuring our surprise runners at the Pep Rally, will be put together and go online shortly.

Having trouble with the video above? - CLICK HERE FOR SPIRIT STICK VIDEO.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What in the World Do We Have Planned for the Pep Rally?

Hmm...the teachers and staff of OMIS have a very special TOP SECRET surprise up their sleeves for the Zoom-a-thon Kick-Off Pep Rally on Thursday, September 16th.  What exactly IS that surprise?  I guess you'll have to join us on Thursday to find out!  (Click photo for larger view!)

It Slices! It Dices! It Makes Tasty Snacks! It's Zoom-Wow!


What sort of prizes can you win by raising money with Zoom-a-thon?  Find out at the Pep Rally on Thursday, September 16th and again in this Zoom-Wow! video on Friday at school

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Zoom-a-thon Shirts Are HERE!

Check it out! Our Zoom-a-thon shirts are here and ready for our big day!  Z was kind enough to do a little modeling for us this weekend, so you could see the shirt in action!

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Z and Granny Smith!

It looks like Z and Granny Smith, the lunch lady, have been hanging out in the OMIS cafeteria.  Z is learning all about healthy eating habits from Granny Smith.  I wonder what they have cooked up for us in their Zoom-a-thon video! 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Z - Spotted in the OMIS Cafeteria

Guess who stopped by the OMIS cafeteria this afternoon to grab a quick, pre-run snack!  Our diligent paparazzi snapped this picture of Z, loading up a tray of yummy food.  After this picture was taken, Z grabbed the apple, dropped the tray, and ran out the door, but not before dropping money at the register to pay for it.

You never can tell where Z will pop up next.  Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Zoom-a-Thon Prize Chart

The Kick-Off for the Zoom-a-Thon is nearly here. We thought you might like to know a little bit about the prizes and the prize levels, so we've put together this handy dandy reference chart.  Click on it for a bigger version.

Top Earner Prize 4th / 5th Grader:  Flip Video Camera

Top Class Earner Prize 4th / 5th:  30 min of recess, a pizza party and $75 gift card for the teacher from either Office Depot or the Parent-Teacher Store.

Prize Levels 1, 2, and 3 will be distributed to the students prior to the Zoom-a-Thon on September 30th.  Prize Levels 4 - 10 and the overall top earner prizes will not be distributed until after all pledged money has been collected.  Students will be recognized at a couple of Zoom-a-thon assemblies, but will not receive their additional prizes until after October 15, 2010.  As your child achieves each new Prize Level, he / she will have earned that new Prize Level prize, in addition to all previously earned prizes.

In order to make it easier to understand, this year our "Money Raised" levels will be based on flat donations.  In years past, the whole per-lap versus flat donations thing made it difficult for parents and students to understand what prize level they were at.  We hope this new system will clarify things.  If your child has recorded largely per-lap pledges, just multiply the per-lap pledges by a total number of 35 laps for your "Money Raised" amount.  If your child has only flat donations pledges, it should be very simple to find your child's Prize Level.

All pledged money is due no later than October 14, 2010.  Money collected after that date will still be accepted but will not count towards prizes.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Z Sighting!

Look who got snapped by our cameras this weekend?  We snuck up on Z as Z was hanging out and enjoying some of this faboo weather.  We only had a second to snap the picture before Z jumped up and ran off through the woods.  I guess even Z needs a day off from training every once and a while.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Screen Grabs From An Upcoming Zoom-a-thon Video

It's the iCarlee Show!

"And I've got a doo-hickey!"

There's more fun to come as we work on our Zoom-a-thon videos and our big plans for the Kick-Off Pep Rally on September 16th.  So much to do in the next two weeks!

Have you found a way to plug in and give us a hand?  It's not too late! Help us help OMIS fight proration and raise some much needed funds for the school!

If you'd be willing to lend a helping hand, please contact one of our Zoom-a-Thon Volunteer Coordinators:

Janie Henry - E-Mail
Valerie Bonds - E-Mail
Tracy Pflaum - E-Mail

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pep Rally Planning UPDATE!

The plans for the Zoom-a-Thon Pep Rally (SEPTEMBER 16TH - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!) are well underway.  Let's see how we're doing on our Pep Rally Preparation Checklist, shall we?

Amazingly talented Oak Mountain High School Cheerleaders?  -  CHECK!

Super Fast Oak Mountain High School Track Team Guys?  -  CHECK!

Outstandingly loud, bust your ear drums, make you jump up and dance in the aisles music?  -  CHECK!

Top Secret Surprises?  -  CHECK!

Silly jokes and all around goofing off and getting excited?  -  CHECK!

Bouncing beach balls & the ability to get really loud for once during an assembly at school?  -  CHECK!

Pumping you up to go out there and get pledges and win prizes and run your pants off?  -  CHECK!

Looks like we're off to a good start.  Stay tuned for more information and be sure to "like" us on Facebook, too.  Tell your friends, your family, your great-aunt Gertrude that you only get to see every other Arbor Day, family reunion picnic!

What New Videos Do We Have In Store For You?

I wonder what this could mean?

Hmm...what sort of videos do we have planned to help promote the Zoom-a-Thon? I'll never tell....even if you tried to bribe me with a Slurpee and a big plate of bacon!

Our next new video (not the aforementioned iCarlee video, which will come a day or so later, will debut the evening of September 16th, after it airs during out Zoom-a-Thon Pep Rally Kick-Off Extravaganza Event!  Stay tuned and get ready to raise some money for OMIS!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Z's Been Spotted at Heardmont Park!

Keep your eyes peeled for the Zoom-a-thon mascot, Z.  Z was spotted a few weeks ago at Heardmont Park.  Z was training for this year's Zoom-a-thon.  As you can see, we took Z by surprise.  Z's a very private person and doesn't much like all this attention.

You never know where or when Z is going to pop up, so it pays to stay on your toes and keep your eyes peeled.  Z's ready for the Zoom-a-thon.  How about you?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Zoom-a-thon Update

Zoom-a-Thon T-shirts
Do you feel the excitement building?  Last week, we placed the order for the Zoom-a-thon t-shirts.  The lime green shirts are fun and bright.  They feature a modified Zoom-a-thon logo on the front and a "Z" shaped set of footprints on the back.  Each "foot" will represent one lap run on race day.

Zoom-a-thon PTO Committee Meeting
This week, the PTO Zoom committee will be meeting to finalize the times for our various Zoom-related events and to begin making plans for the Pep Rally.  We have a lot of great things in store, including an all-new Zoom-a-thon video, which will debut at the Pep Rally.

Calling All Facebook Friends
We need more Facebook friends!  If you are on Facebook and would like to stay up-to-date on all the Zoom-a-thon happenings, please be sure to "like" our Zoom-a-thon Facebook page.  Just search for "Zoom-a-thon OMIS" and click the "like" button.  Please help us spread the word about both this website and the Facebook group.  We really want all our parents to feel like they're a big part of this fundraiser.  It's easier to find a way to plug in and help if you know what's going on ahead of time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Parents Night Recap

Thanks to all the parents who turned out for OMIS Parents Night.  We appreciate you for taking such an interest in your child's school and look forward to your support for the Zoom-a-thon.

Here are some dates to mark on your calendar:

September 16th - Zoom-a-thon kick-off pep rally (Kids start getting those pledges at that time.) Daily Zoom-a-thon related 2-3 minute videos will air first at the school and then will appear online here.

September 24th - Students hard work will be recognized at a special prize assembly.  Time:  1:00pm

September 30th - ZOOM-A-THON DAY - The last day to turn in pledge amounts and the day we run, run, run in the sun, sun, sun while having loads of fun, fun, fun!

Thanks again for your support.  We look forward to having your help and support as we seek to really make the most of this fundraiser.

Parents Night Zoom-a-Thon Video

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Do you have what it takes to become
a Zoom-a-thon Champion?

Oak Mountain Intermediate School is looking for some Champions to step up and give us a hand with Zoom-a-Thon 2010!  We need volunteers for various tasks on various days. If you'd be willing to lend a helping hand, please contact one of our Zoom-a-Thon Volunteer Coordinators:

Janie Henry - E-Mail
Valerie Bonds - E-Mail
Tracy Pflaum - E-Mail